Carpe Diem

The number of mass shootings in this country appear to have increased dramatically. It is hard to predict where one might next take place. Against an international backdrop that includes Russia’s war on Ukraine, new variants of the Omicron virus, gas prices, and continuing supply chain problems, the rise in violence and the unpredictability of location might encourage us to stay home and hunker down.

It seems to me that such advice is misguided. We are being called back to the office, and only in the past several months have we become accustomed to social settings, sports events, and other ceremonies. I myself find that I have very little small talk, and I’ve yet to be among friends sufficiently to loosen up.

Whether you’re on a trip to the grocery store or a Mariners game, use your common sense. Carpe diem means “seize the day.” Be aware of where you are, where the exits are, and scan your environment for outliers. Be grateful that, despite everything we’ve gone through, we are still here and we still have time to effect change.