I am preparing my reading materials for the ethics, policy, and law course I will be teaching this next quarter.
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I am preparing my reading materials for the ethics, policy, and law course I will be teaching this next quarter.
Read MoreThe National Academy of Science has released its final report on a three-part project that provides a guide --Managing Risk Across the Enterprise-- and an implementation path for state departments of transportation to develop an enterprise risk management program.
Read MoreVolume VI of Reflections on Risk contains 27 research notes first published online by Annie Searle & Associates, LLC from 2019-2021. The focus of the research notes is on current operational risk gaps and technology issues in generally well-known corporations. Analysts and executives in the public and private sector will find the research notes both concise and diagnostic, covering topic areas such as global regulation, privacy, operational risk, cybersecurity and information ethics and policy.
With this sixth volume, we have published 152 research notes since 2012
Read MoreAs I write this on the day I give my last lecture of the quarter, there is a lot at stake in this battle for democratic rule in Ukraine.
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