Data Security

Facebook Weak Controls and Risk Mitigation Opportunities

Macay Fischer discusses the wake of the 2021 hack of Facebook user data, which highlighted yet again how critical it is that a massive public company like Facebook requires robust risk management practices integrated through all levels of the business. The author identifies potential risk mitigation opportunities—including increasing the effectiveness of existing internal controls—that Facebook could implement going forward to reduce its risks in these areas.

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GDPR Enforcement and Google’s €50 Million Fine

Alex Osuch discusses the enforcement of the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This paper specifically looks at the case of Google incurring a record-setting €50 million fine from CNIL, the French Data Protection Authority, for failing to properly acquire consumer consent during the Android phone activation process. The implications of this ruling suggest thorny design issues with which all information organizations operating within the EU must contend.

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Ashley Madison and Managing a Risky Business

Kevin Rawls discusses some of the heightened levels of internal and external risks faced by a business that operates in a legally sound but morally compromised space.The website is a now notorious website built around enabling married people to have extramarital affairs, that in 2015 experienced a very severe data breach of its customers’ data.

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