Organizational Risk

Understanding the SEC’s Inadequate Internal Controls

Miranda Lin discusses recent risk-related incidents at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the apparent lack of adequate internal controls enforced within the organization. The author identifies some of the possible improvements to be made to the SEC’s internal controls environment regarding their people, process, and systems.

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Risks Associated with “Bring Your Own Device” in a Government Agency (BYOD)

Beth Hutchens explores the practice of “bring your own device” (BYOD), specifically within the public sector. Permitting employees to use their personal technological devices (such as smartphones, laptop computers, and tablet PCs) has been an increasingly popular option within organizations. However, there are significant risks associated with the practice, including legal liability, regulatory scrutiny, data exposure, increased costs and expenses, and potential brand and reputation damage.

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Organizational Risk of Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)

Evan Cottingham discusses the rapidly evolving, business-critical issue of “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) programs, and the considerations and risks applicable across organizations in all sectors. While the benefits of BYOD programs are clear, the associated risks are clearly documented as well, and must be taken into consideration by any organization considering implementing or with an existing BYOD program.

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