Summer Projects

Annie has published a third edition of Advice From A Risk Detective as well as a fifth volume of Reflections on Risk.

Special credit on Advice From A Risk Detective’s third edition goes to Marie Williams Chant who laid out and improved every aspect of text in the volume; and to Jesse Brown, the designer of the cover since the book’s first edition.

While Annie is the editor-in chief of research notes that appear in the Reflections on Risk volume — she selects the papers that align with our publishing standards, writes the forward and the contributors section — the real behind-the-scenes force is Emily Oxenford Hayes, who edits each research note before it is first published on the website, and then lays out the volume for publication, creating topical sections of the volume. Emily and Annie have been working together since 2011, when Emily was an ASA Research Intern and the author of a number of research notes in the first volume of the series. Today, Emily also produces ASA News & Notes, our monthly newsletter.

And we’ve also worked this summer to move our ten year old website to the SquareSpace platform. Eventually all of the research content on the site will be fully accessible. In the meantime, it’s easy to find our monthly newsletters and articles by Annie.