Week 10 -- People still do care about privacy

It has been a good week in my enterprise risk course. A small group of students presented on the January 6th insurrection. And our guest speaker this week was Ann Nagel, UW Institutional Privacy Officer. I am so proud of our students and the detailed questions they had for her. My focus this week in the classroom has been domestic terrorism as a risk to enterprises; and a bit on ISIS as the international terrorist group that carries the highest risk through their recruitment of lone wolf players in this country.

So I’ve given my final lecture of the quarter. Next week the students make high level five minute presentations of the final paper they have written!

On another note, I presented “3 ways of Considering Cyber Risk” at the SecureWorld Online Conference, taking questions and comments in the chat. It was good to be back on the speaker tour track again, even if only remotely at this stage.

Next week I’ll have more to say about the new strain of COVID that scientists are assessing to determine its risk level.