
Tech Abuse Through a Feminist Ethics Lens

Aki Shibuya discusses the outcome of assessing technology-enabled abuse through a feminist ethical framework. If culturally dominant understandings of social constructs such as privacy minimize or exclude the experiences of women, these ideas can negatively impact policy decisions made around issues like tech abuse. Applying feminist ethics to issues such as tech abuse encourages a re-examination of how ethical frameworks can influence current norms and policies.

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A Consequentialist Argument For A Centralized Genetic Databank

Amanda Phillips discusses the argument for a centralized genetic database through the lens of consequentialism. The author examines the possible positive and negative consequences of establishing such a genetic repository, including threats to privacy and the risk of increasing systematic bias. The author concludes with the results of the evaluation of how a centralized genetic database might both provide benefits to people as well as how it might cause harm.

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An Open Letter to Librarians: Ethical Imperatives in Post-truth America

Alexander George discusses the growing challenge that librarians face due to inaccurate, misleading, and flat-out false news (“fake news”), which is also creating new issues for our democratic societies in the age of 24-hour, instantly accessible, and always-changing news. The author explores the question of a librarian’s ethical responsibilities related to fake news, and the implications for our society.

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