Harshita Chandgothia discusses the paradigm-changing impact of social media technologies have had on human communication and communication systems. It explores the both the position impact as well as the negative, including how information can be weaponized so easily on social media platforms. Humans may have to come to simply accept the risks, and do the best to prepare against them. One way or another, society must continue to adapt through this ongoing, massive technological evolution.
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Huawei Company Risk Management
Bingyan Wang discusses the system and external event risks faced by the global communications technology company Huawei in recent years. For this company—whose mission is to “bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world” —the author explores the increased areas of risk exposure and provides potential recommendations for risk management.
Read MoreRisk and the Communications Sector
Discusses the key risks, hazards and vulnerabilities related to the Communications sector from both the public and private perspective.
Read MoreCommunity, Collaboration and Crowdsourcing
Discusses the increasing movement towards harnessing the power of communities and the collaborative work effort of large groups of people through crowdsourcing, using CrisisCommons as an example.
Read MoreCommunicating Crisis Management Value
Discusses the complexities and challenges of communicating the value of crisis management and planning.
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