Ashley Madison and Managing a Risky Business

Kevin Rawls discusses some of the heightened levels of internal and external risks faced by a business that operates in a legally sound but morally compromised space.The website is a now notorious website built around enabling married people to have extramarital affairs, that in 2015 experienced a very severe data breach of its customers’ data.

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Can the U.S. Treasury Keep Your Money Safe?

Michael Callier discusses the U.S. Treasury's role in strengthening the security and resilience of the U.S. financial services sector. This paper analyzes the rising risks of cyber-attacks, amplified by resistance to incident information sharing and the lack of third-party vendor cyber controls, and the appropriate risk management strategies.

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The Runaway Train

Kenny Lee discusses the oil boom in America and the extensive use of tank-car trains to transport crude oil, and how this has ushered into an era. Oil-train derailments and the resulting spills have skyrocketed 900 percent in just two years from 2010 to 2012. At the heart of the problem is the common tank cars used by freight train companies known as DOT-111.

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Artificial Intelligence as a Weapon

Jorge Borunda discusses some of the concerns that are on the horizon around the development, implementation, and regulation of autonomous weapon systems. When it comes to military artificial intelligence, Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) select and engage targets without human intervention. Borunda identifies the concerns that have been raised about the lack of regulations around how these new technologies will be used, as well as a lack of standards and methodologies.

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The Digital Divide: Policies, Programs, and Public Education

Kristine Tomasovic Nelson discusses the efforts made to close the digital divide, an issue now recognized as a more nuanced phenomenon. While more individuals can access the Internet, many lack the motivation, skill, or guidance necessary to use these technologies productively. Within the education realm in particular, policies and programs are working to address this new digital divide but have much work to do.

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Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Operational Risk within the GAO

Andrew Magnuson discusses how the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has the heavy burden of auditing all use of government funds, but its unique position within the legislative branch leads to some specific, and hard-to-address, operational risks. How can the government both preserve the GAO’s independence and ensure its accuracy and reliability?

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