Uber Recovery

Joe Pollock discusses how Uber’s success in disrupting the transportation industry has not prevented the decay of the company’s internal culture and resulting risks to its future success. The author examines how an enterprise risk management plan could be developed by utilizing the COSO framework. Uber will need to implement immediate, drastic, and widespread changes to shift the direction of the company’s future.

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Delta Airline’s Power Outage Risk Analysis

Sukhman Tiwana discusses the power outage that sent shockwaves through Delta Airline’s operations in August 2016 for multiple days, resulting in significant financial and reputational losses. The crisis revealed some underlying system and operational weaknesses. The author examines some of the potential steps Delta can take to reduce risks and improve future operations.

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Organizational Risk of Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD)

Evan Cottingham discusses the rapidly evolving, business-critical issue of “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) programs, and the considerations and risks applicable across organizations in all sectors. While the benefits of BYOD programs are clear, the associated risks are clearly documented as well, and must be taken into consideration by any organization considering implementing or with an existing BYOD program.

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Understanding the Risks in the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector

Jyotsna Saxena discusses the history and current environment of the automobile-manufacturing sector in India. The analysis begins by providing the historical and cultural context necessary for identifying and understanding the key risks to the sector in both the public and private sectors. Building upon this knowledge, the author explores some of the potential solutions aimed at improving both domestic and international confidence in this key sector, which is a dominant contributor to the country’s economic output.

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Cell Site Location Information And Fourth Amendment Protection

Brian Stanley delves into an in-depth look at implications of government access to and use of cell site location information (CSLI), and the implication for citizens' fourth amendment protection. In 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court will review of Carpenter vs. United States, which argues that CSLI should be protected under the Fourth Amendment.

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The Harmonious Blend of Policy and Technology: The Need for an IoT Compliance Framework

Andy Herman discusses the rising concerns associated with the Internet of Things, and the lack of a comprehensive cybersecurity compliance framework. The rising number of internet-connected devices has created increasing number of cybersecurity risks, as network of devices are hijacked for malicious purposes.

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Paying for a Rundown U.S. Surface Transportation System

Ermenejildo 'Meadow' Rodriguez Jr. discusses the looming financial difficulties facing the U.S. transportation sector, and the glaring lack of a long-term plan to pay for damaged or dilapidated roads, highways, bridges, and tunnels. The paper looks at the risks associated with the U.S. surface transportation system, and financing its improvement within the public and private realms.

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Development and Technology: How Does the Right to Information and the Spread of ICT Affect Global Society?

Keith Snodgrass discusses how the framing of the United Nation’s eight Millennium Development Goal, particularly within the context of information and communications technology. The author examines some potential shortcomings of some of these approaches, and how pursuit of these development goals fits within wider efforts to achieve economic development in the poorer parts of the world.

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Mandatory Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework in Healthcare Sector

Andy Herman discusses the gap in the current healthcare cybersecurity approach – that there is no mandatory risk management framework for healthcare organizations. The author suggests introducing a mandatory implementation of a full cybersecurity framework with monitoring systems before receiving the incentives guaranteed by the meaningful use clause associated with electronic health records.

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Food for Energy or Energy for Food: A Chemical Dependency

Jeffrey Seward explores the risks and the long-term impact of the Oil and Gas Sector on the Food and Agriculture Sector. Agriculture needs the Oil and Gas Sector in order to produce at current levels. If oil and gas were eliminated overnight, our very ability to produce food crops would be gone along with it. One of the most important risks to look at is need to eat versus need consume oil and gas.

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New Age of Cybersecurity: Rethink Cybersecurity Strategies and Implementation

Cory Shyu discusses how the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the technology sector profoundly. While companies are rushing to reap benefits from increased productivity and automation by adopting more agile technology solutions, privacy and security issues have risen at an alarming rate. The author addresses the key areas in which companies should rethink cybersecurity strategies and develop appropriate roadmaps to achieve security objectives.

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Hypervigilance and the Digital Age

Matthew Welden discusses the development of a hypervigilant culture within the U.S., with attention-grabbing low-frequency incidents overshadowing the far deadlier but less sensational everyday risks. While we now live in a modern world where people are living longer, freer, and richer than ever before, more of us have become captives of fear. The author defines the condition of hypervigilance, illustrates the condition with historical examples, and then offers some solutions to the condition and ethical arguments for their consideration.

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Dam Operational Risk

Iisaaksiichaa Ross Braine examines the U.S. Dams Sector, and identifies potential control failures and identifies the best path for mitigation, specifically in terms of energy. The author uses internal audits of the Homeland Security system, combined with best practices pulled from both the “Dams Sector-Specific Plan” and “Operational Risk Management” written by Philippa X. Girling. Iisaaksiichaa discusses potential solutions and illustrates the steps the Dams Sector could take in order to shore up cyber defenses.

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